Alok Vaid-Menon, Campaign Director
Jonathon Burford, Creative Director
The Trans and Gender Non-Conforming community has revolutionized what the beauty industry is known for today - authenticity, expression, and inclusivity. It’s the responsibility of the beauty industry to give back and use their voices to enact change.
The rights of Trans and Gender Non-Conforming people have always been important. However, amidst a global pandemic, economic instability, and unrest both outside and within the community, politicians are making their move and it’s leaving the community vulnerable.
The Trans and Gender Non-Conforming community is being targeted by legislation that impacts more than access to a restroom. The climate is hostile; Trans youth are being banned from playing sports, suicide and murder rates are rising, and the community is experiencing extreme rates of poverty and discrimination more than ever.
Often erased or skewed, the history of Trans and Gender Non-Conforming people is riddled with untruthful narratives. While there have been many wins for the community, LGBTQ people will need our support to ensure everything from their portrayal in the media to legislation is fair and just.
Your donations are important and truly make a difference. Here are our recommended organizations that are supporting the Trans and Gender Non-Conforming community - state programs, youth programs, and programs that are minority-supportive.
Your feed is full of influencers from the beauty industry, but what advocates should make your ‘Followed’ list? Here are the Trans and Gender Non-Conforming advocates we suggest you follow on social media.
Unlike the media, reports created by LGBTQ+ advocates compile and share the truth of what it means to be Trans or Gender Non-Conforming in the United States. Read the real data and statistics by checking out the latest reports that shed light on our community.
While Trans and Gender Non-Conforming individuals are surly gained visibility in the U.S. within the last few years, not all of that attention has been positive. Here are the latest articles to learn more about what is happening with politics, sports, and legislation that is directly impacting the community.
Your podcast library could use a revamp! Here are our favorite podcast episodes to learn more about the conversation we are having when it comes to the Trans and Gender Non-Conforming experienece.
Interested in diversifying your bookshelf? Here are books we recommend to help you learn more about the Trans and Gender Non-Conforming experience.
The experiences of the Trans and Gender Non-Conforming community are just as diverse as the individuals. Here are some books to check out to learn more about the history of being Trans in the U.S., from beauty and modeling to urban culture.